
Would you like to give to support us?

Find out the different ways you can give financially and support the work of the church.

We don’t set out to formally collect money in our services, or expect visitors or anyone who’s new to the church to give.

However, we do believe everyone who attends church regularly and considers Hockliffe Street Baptist Church their church, should consider giving financially, in accordance with their means, to the work of the church.

Why give?

Everything comes from God – the source and creator of all.  Because God is generous, we believe we are also called to be generous with our lives and resources…and this includes our finances.

How do we use donations?

All the churches finance go towards achieving our vision, from the running costs such as ministry and admin costs, our church staff, to our investment in the church building.

We also support mission locally and internationally and missional individuals.

If you’re interested in how we budget and what we spend on, feel free to ask.  

We don’t have external funding from anywhere else so the more that’s given, the more we can do!

For more information, speak to Jill or Steve



Finance Coordinator






Deacon / Church Secretary

You can give in the following ways.

Coming soon…

You can give directly to us through online banking, setting up regular or one-off donations.  Here are our bank account details to help you set that up:

Payable to: Hockliffe Street Baptist Church, Leighton Buzzard
Sort Code: 20-57-44
Account Number: 83381927

If it is easier for you, we can help you set up a standing order.  All you need to do is fill in a standing order form.  There are available at church (just ask someone on a Sunday) or you can download one here.

In the church we have tap&go machines available to make a quick and easy donation using your card or phone.  It collects Gift Aid too. It’s a great and easy way to make one off donations.

You can put donations into the blue buckets at the entrance of the church at Sunday Services.

Cheques are payable to ‘Hockliffe Street Baptist Church‘.

Some people give regularly by envelope – a set of dated envelopes to assist giving.  Speak to Jill to find out more.

Gift Aid

Donating through Gift Aid means we can claim an extra 25p for every £1 you give. It doesn’t cost you any extra, but makes your money go further! Please fill in this Gift Aid Declaration form and send it to us (by email or in person) so we can claim the extra!